The Body FREEDOM Formula

Join us this Spring 2013!


A 5-week Journey for the Conscious Woman ready to
release the struggle around her body and FINALLY get

  • Have you been riding the Diet roller coaster for as long as you can remember, and pray for a way to get off?
  • Does catching sight of yourself in the mirror make you cringe (or maybe you avoid it altogether)?
  • Do you feel “held back” from the things you want to do or experience because of shame or embarrassment around your body?
  • Does your body feel like the enemy, and like it’s continually “letting you down”?
  • Are you caught up in the negative cycle of judging yourself and your body, and comparing yourself to other women?
  • Do you CONSTANTLY obsess about what you eat or how you look?
  • Are you stuck in the agonizing cycle of deprivation, overindulgence and guilt that’s making your head spin?
  • Have you desperately wanted to be at Peace with yourself & your body, but can’t seem to get there (or stay there)?

What would it feel like to be truly FREE?

  • Free to wear what you love because you feel BEAUTIFUL in it!
  • Free to feel confident and sexy being naked with your lover!
  • Free to nourish your body with delicious, healthy food because you WANT TO and ENJOY it!
  • Free to engage with your REAL DESIRES that you’ve been putting off, and start living your purpose because you feel confident and GOOD in your own skin
  • Free to experience the PEACE OF MIND of actually ENJOYING your life and the present moment like rich, sweet nectar
  • Free to experience greater energy because you’re no longer obsessing, denying, hating, judging, wishing, pinching, weighing, dieting . . . you get the picture.

Your ticket to freedom has arrived

It’s time to get FREE NOW sister!

What if we told you that you could experience freedom from this inner battle right here, right now in an easy, organic way . . . even in the midst of your busy life?

What if we said there IS a results-oriented solution that delivers inner peace and the
ability to feel good in your own skin?

And what if this solution took only 5 weeks?

Would you jump out of your chair and run to join in?

Would you be tempted to pay or do whatever it takes to participate?

Let’s face it, the agony, struggle, frustration and disconnection of hating the body you
live in simply does NOT get better or go away on it’s own.

In fact, it may feel like it’s only getting worse.

We know this feeling all too well.
We know the debilitating secret pain of extreme body hate.
We’ve been there.

“I used to be a dancer, and a car terrible accident left me with a broken pelvis, forcing me to leave an art I loved. I was ashamed to wear a bikini, petrified of what others would think of my deformed body.
Today, as a mom of twins, I truly love my body and enjoy nourishing it, even though it’s not “model perfect”.”

“As a dancer, I constantly scrutinized my body all day, every day, for hours on end.
Self-criticism and hate became my normal, and although I was never overweight, I was paranoid of gaining weight.
I would starve all day, then eat a whole tub of fat-free ice cream, a box of fat free cookies, and finish off with an entire pound of Twizzlers. Sick and horrified, I made myself get up at 4am for a punishing 2 hours of exercise BEFORE heading off to dance practice. I ended up in this destructive cycle of binging, starving and compulsive exercise that led to severe depression, infertility, anxiety, exhaustion and crippling digestive pain that all had me wishing I could just disappear.
After a long healing journey, I now love every bit of the skin I’m in . . . and I’ve been
coaching women towards powerfully embodying Body Love and their dreams for over a

“I recently attended a one-day workshop, the Body Shift Breakthrough, with Ana and Josephine. I must admit that I was a little bit skeptical, because I had been trying to “leave my body issues at the door” for close to 40 years! There was one small part of me that thought, “What could possibly happen in one day that hasn’t already happened in over four decades?”

Well, what happened is that I truly did leave my body issues at the door.

When I walked out of that loving space that Ana and Josephine had so carefully created, I realized I was done. I was done hating my body. I was done with compulsive over eating. For the first time in my adult life, I felt like weight was no longer my issue.

The work that Ana and Josephine do is so subtle that you don’t even realize the full effects until later. I knew the moment that I left that something was different. But it wasn’t until a few days later when I woke and realized that I actually felt lighter. I had way more energy. I was happier. And the negative chatter that used to greet me when I looked in the mirror was silent.

Now when I get up in the morning, I like what I see in the mirror. I am also living – for the first time, ever – in concert with my body. When I look in the mirror, I no longer see the cellulite or the waist that has thickened with age. What I see, instead, is a beautiful creature who deserves my appreciation and my devotion. I see a body that deserves to be taken care of and decorated.

I truly believe that Ana and Josephine, with infinite love and kindness, have birthed me into a new relationship with my body, which, in turn, has reinvigorated my relationship to my work and with my husband. I really can’t thank them enough.”

~ Kathryn Lively, Professor


You’ve already tried . . .

• every diet . . .
• to hide away . . .
• therapy . . .
• exercising like a fiend . . .

You’ve been spinning deeper and deeper into the depression and life-force-sapping
vortex of negative self-talk . . . words you wouldn’t dream of saying out loud to your
worst enemy . . .

This is NOT what life is about, my dear . . .

Your life is to be ENJOYED
You are here to BE FREE!

Welcome to Your FREEDOM . . .

Your Body Freedom Formula

The Body Freedom Formula is a 5-week virtual journey that you will take alongside your
freedom-seeking sisters, where you will experience a step-by-step process that Ana and
Josephine have personally used to achieve Body Freedom.

As a woman, you’ve most likely struggled, or do struggle with how you feel about your
body and IN your body . . .
But if you’re reading this page now, you have a desire for something different.
And we want to assure you that it is possible to experience FREEDOM, true freedom,
even if you’ve struggled for a lifetime.

Get ready to experience:

  • a real desire to make healthy choices because you WANT to
  • the freedom of going out in your favorite dress and WANTING to be seen
  • the confidence to go out and live your purpose, no longer hiding out, frustrated, sabotaging yourself
  • your sexy! Sexy is not a four letter word, it is a beautiful power for you to experience in a healthy (and fun) way as a woman
  • the end of the non-stop obsessing, worrying, judging . . . enough already!
  • A feeling of inner peace that stays no matter what is happening in you life
  • The renewed inspiration and aliveness to live your dreams
  • The illumination of your purpose and desires, so you become fed by your life


“Ana, If you’d said to me, “Oh, the places you will go”, prior to our work together, I would have smiled. I knew my history of no action… I knew my fears… I KNEW change had to be hard… 4 weeks later, I feel a wealth of gratitude and love for your gentle, expert guidance for helping me align my beliefs, thoughts and actions!! I am feeling a remarkable amount of ease around my life and body that can be attributed to our work together” ~ Laura B.

maybe you’ve been waiting for “someday”?

Someday when you feel good about yourself . . .
Someday when you lose weight or gain weight . . .
Someday when you like what you see in the mirror . . .
Someday when your thighs are thinner . . .
Someday when somebody loves you . . .
Someday when you’re not so busy . . .
Someday when you have more money . . .
Someday . . .

Someday is here, and we would love to share with you a bit about what’s in store for you
on this exciting, life-shifting journey!
It’s time to stop waiting butterfly, your wings are made to fly!

The Body Freedom Formula will be a 5-week adventure of being gently, yet powerfully
guided towards UNITY

This Freedom, or unity, will be uncovered as you are offered simple and proven
weekly “tools” that you will collect in your Body Freedom Basket.

The 5-Week Body Freedom Formula
Next Session begins Spring 2013!


Your program includes:5-weekly Teleclasses
You will have the opportunity to experience Body Freedom from the comfort of your own home. Josephine and Ana will powerfully guide you each week in one easy to implement aspect of the Body Freedom Formula, and you will have support in taking action for immediate results.

(Value $500)

Weekly Inspired Action Guides
These will offer you the guided exercises, education and resources you require to put the BFF practices into play in your life.

(Value $150)

Recordings of all our calls
You will not have to worry about missing our calls because each call will be recorded. These recordings will be yours to keep forever, so you will be able to use this course well beyond our 5-weeks as an invaluable resource in your continued Body Freedom.

(Value $175)

Q&A Time with 2 Powerful Coaches
Josephine and Ana are 100% committed to your success. With each call, there will be time set aside to ask your questions and receive one-on-one support and coaching.



Bonus 1

Ana’s Exclusive “Self-Lovin’ Ritual Handbook” – This guide shares the importance of infusing simple, pleasurable rituals are ESSENTIAL to body transformation. Discover EXACTLY what has supported my personal success and how you can quickly and easily create your own powerful SL rituals that will supercharge your results. (Value $40)


Bonus 2

“Whittle Your Waist in 30 Days or Less” – downloadable Home Study Program with Kelly Cornell (valued at $197)

This program delves into various aspects of achieving weight loss and optimal health that will support you on your journey. You’ll receive five audio recordings plus a downloadable “Steps to Success Action Guide”. The action guide will help you stay focused and on track with your progress. You’ll learn a whole new approach to creating a balanced meal and new way of thinking about nourishing your body that results in natural weight loss.

Kelly Cornell, CHHC, AADP is a holistic nutrition coach, the founder of, and motivational speaker on the subject of health, wellness and nutrition. She specializes in helping women over 40 improve their health, lose weight permanently without dieting, boost their energy, and live life with purpose and joy.


Bonus 3

Empress Experience Body Love Bonus ( value = sensual beauty is priceless xo)

An indulgent and healing self-love ritual masterfully crafted by beauty and Exquisite Self Care expert Shakaya Leone of Earth Empress. This ritual is designed to infuse you with self-love and sensual beauty that makes you absolutely magnetic to the people, opportunities and prosperity you desire.


Bonus 4

“Claim your Goddess Power and Awaken Your Goddess Within” audio

Baljit Rayat, founder of Lotus Destiny, helps you discover how “stepping into your Goddess power”, “commitment and trust”, and “relationships with men” all play into how you feel about yourself and your body.

Baljit is an intuitive soul purpose expert assisting women and men to attracting healthy relationships and most of all their sensuality. She is the creator and founder of her own healing method called Star Activation™ System which allows you to discover your soul’s purpose, divine gifts and talents and express them into reality.


This formula is designed to:

Deconstruct the negative thoughts that suck your energy, and leave you feeling
hopeless, stuck and engaged in self-sabotaging behaviors
• Connect you with what your body is REALLY trying to say, so that you can
become allies instead of enemies
Unravel the emotional distress that sends you into unconscious bingeing, self-
sabotage and leaves you feeling out of control and disgusted with yourself
• Bring you to a place of peace, REAL PEACE, with yourself and your body. So
that no matter what, you can own your self worth and feel confident
Breakdown Body Image barriers that have been blocking you from the body,
relationships, inner peace and financial success that you desire and deserve
• Ignite the passion and inspiration necessary to experience FREEDOM

“I worked with Ana during a very difficult, yet transformative time in my life. I had personal issues with trusting my food decisions, even though I’d been in tune with my body. My relationship to food was a battle and so was TRUST.

I was always trying to lose weight, I would have tons of cravings for salt, sugar and unhealthy comfort food.

Ana has given me the tools and confidence to look at my emotional relationship to food & it feels SO liberating. It has helped me focus on my yoga practice, movement, & the passion of my artistic photographic work.

With her help, I have more positive energy. I enjoy cooking and eating wisely & it’s an important part of my ritual of self-care.

The knowledge and the tips I gained from Ana have been invaluable.

Her deep compassion, knowledge, and spirituality helped to support my feminine journey towards furthering my passion of art and the body.” ~ Jan M., artist, yogini

We are heading into the holidays.

This is an opportunity to set yourself up for joy and peace this year, instead of the stress, struggle, judgment, guilt.

This is for you if:

• You are ready to reclaim your power and your life!
• You are done with deprivation-mentality and want to THRIVE
• Are ready to live your life and stop waiting for someday
• Long to release the obsession and begin to ENJOY your life
• Long to let go of the destructive thoughts, but can’t imagine HOW you it’s
• Ready to escape the walls of your body prison, and start living your purpose

How much is Body Freedom Worth to you?

Total Value = over $1200
Full Investment = $297

Pay in full = $297

Invest in your Body Freedom Today!


Or Make 2 Easy Payments

For those the prefer a payment plan you can always make two easy payments of $167 by clicking here.

I was struggling with trying so hard and thinking about weight loss all the time, but not making any progress. I felt like it was a constant battle, and a frustrating one, because I would take one step forward and one step back, so I never saw any results.

Ana is so patient – she takes clients wherever they are and has amazing ideas, strategies, and compassion and knowledge. With her help I have finally made progress and it hasn’t been a struggle, it was like it just happened one day.

It really is a multi-faceted approach. I would recommend her for anyone who feels they need just a little assistance to a lot, she personalizes the program to fit your specific needs and goals. — Teresa H. Seaside, CA


Your loving guides . . .

Ana Poirier, women’s holistic health coach, yogini, author and spiritual business mentor, personally struggled with the pain and destructive tendencies of negative body image for many years. Having successfully gone from extreme body hate, binge eating disorder, depression and extreme exercise to now enjoying all the body shifting benefits of truly loving the skin she inhabits, Ana is a sought after coach and mentor for women ready to release the vicious  destructive cycles of poor body image and lack of confidence, and begin to create the radiant health and energized life they are here to enjoy.
She blends yogic wisdom, intuitive coaching, holistic nutrition with energy medicine and honoring your body’s knowing for an experience that is ALWAYS inspiring, empowering and creates fast results and healing.

Josephine Auciello, holistic health coach, photographer and certified Soul Art Guide, brings incredible compassion, beauty and wisdom to her work, and all those who have the benefit of being in her presence. She’s on a mission to gracefully guide women back to their bodies in a healthy way, back to their hearts, and back to their spirit where their true beauty awaits.

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