Tag Archives: essential oils
Flu & Cold Fighting Formula
I am inspired to share my kick-bootie “Flu Fighting Formula” with you as I have been literally surrounded by students, clients, friends, etc. down for the count for up to 2 or even 3 weeks this season! I have used … Continue reading
Posted in cleansing, cold prevention, detox, disease prevention, essential oils, fall cleansing, flu prevention, holiday stress, immune health, self-care, Young Living
Tagged cleansing, cold prevention, detoxification, essential oils, fall cleanse, flu prevention, immune health, immunity, Young Living
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Why I eat Essential Oils
There is a powerful natural tool that I have been using for almost a decade that has hugely impacted my health, my hormones, my emotional balance, my ability to heal from trauma, to clear negative emotions, to assist with digestion, … Continue reading
Posted in aromatherapy, depression, digestive disorders, disease prevention, essential oils, extra income, happiness, holistic health, increase energy, natural medicine, natural remedies, Self love, smoothies, stress reduction, weight loss, Young Living
Tagged aromatherapy, depression, energy, essential oils, health, holistic health, stress, weight loss, Young Living
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Stay Healthy While Traveling
I often hear from clients that they feel challenged in staying on track when they take life on the road (aka travel). It’s true that you may not have the same options or schedule, but the secret is really in … Continue reading
Posted in farmer's markets, finding balance, getting healthy, gluten-free, green foods, Health on a budget, healthy eating, holistic health, immune health, meditation, nutrition, raw foods, relaxation, stress reduction, Superfoods, travel, Yoga
Tagged energy, essential oils, gluten-free recipes, healthy snack, holistic health, immunity, travel, yoga